Treasure and Pirates!

The end of the year has arrived! What a great year we have had in upper pre-primary. We have welcomed so many new children to our class throughout the year. Each child settled in so quickly and became a part of our little group. The last two months have been all about ‘Treasure’. I have had a super band of pirates in my class! We kicked off the unit with our wonderful treasure hunt. The children showed great skills in map reading to finally find the treasure box filled with jewels and goodies! The children have enjoyed bringing their special treasures to school and presenting them to the class. They have also been very creative while making pieces of treasure from things they found in nature. During this unit on ‘Treasure’, the children have gained lots of new knowledge and skills. They have been learning about real pirates and where they sailed. They made a world map to indicate their travels. They learnt the names of the oceans of the world and many of the seas. The children learnt about islands and the different kind of islands that exist – coral, tidal, volcanic and tropical islands. They drew pictures of islands and made their own islands using playdough. They were particularly interested in the Caribbean Sea and islands where the pirate ‘Blackbeard’ sailed! They had fun making pirate accessories and a big pirate ship. For our exit point the children dressed as pirates and sailed away in their big ship to an island. On the island they enjoyed a delicious feast of coconut and watermelon. They also had lots of fun sword fighting with the cutlasses they made!

Since our last blog we have had three birthday celebrations – Athrav, Jiah and Caius. Congratulations to them for turning six!

And a big congratulations to all the children for doing so well this year. I am very proud of each one of you. I will miss you all but wish you a wonderful summer and lots of great learning next school year!

Enjoy the photos of your lovely children from the past two months! Great fun and great learning in upper pre-primary!

Miss Mia