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You are my sunshine! I feel blue today! He is heartbroken. She has a bubbly personality.
There are lots of different activities going on in Upper Primary each week. Pupils have been working with different tasks in numeracy – practicing strategies and problem solving skills. In literacy, pupils read and work with follow-up questions and write summaries. They have been learning more about grammar rules, spelling rules and practicing their writing skills. We have been writing acrostic poems about emotions and working with metaphors.
As you might have noticed, our current IPC-topic is ‘Express yourself’. Upper Primary pupils are learning more about emotions and how to express different levels of emotions. They have made ‘emotion thermometers’ and tried to put words in order from weaker through to strong. We have discussed words, used thesauruses and also acted out the different levels of emotions.
One of our IPC science tasks gave pupils the opportunity to research and find out more about the connection between emotions and the brain or the heart. Pupils worked together in groups and later shared their findings with the other pupils in the class.
During a Society task, pupils wrote a long list of all the things that make them happy. They could think of so many things! Then they had to choose their top five things on the list. Pupils shared their number 1 reason for being happy, the most important thing to their happiness! Guess what, most of the children chose a moment that they did something together with other people, either friends or family. We concluded that it is a thing we human beings have in common, we often like spending time with other people!
Upper Primary pupils have had reasons to celebrate these last few weeks. Both Kaaru and Hanna celebrated their birthdays at the end of September and treated their classmates to yummy birthday cakes! Delicious!
Both Romeo and Stefan have had a chance to go to the Lego challenge and they had lots of fun building their models and programming them. Pupils have also danced new dances during Jump Jam and during Assembly. The whole school had lots of fun together!
Upper Primary pupils also visited their buddy class, Upper Pre-Primary, for the first time. It was nice to sit down and get to know each other a bit better. Pupils will work together in different ways throughout the school year.
Now pupils will focus on new aspects of ‘Express yourself’ as well as numeracy and literacy learning targets! Autumn holidays are coming closer, but Upper Primary pupils still have lots of things to do!