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Upper Primary pupils have looked more into the difference between weather and climate.
On big world maps, pupils added the Equator to start with, then the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. They compared this area on their own map to a climate map and understood why we talk about the tropics. The area between the two Tropics is where we find rain forests and where the climate is hot and humid. Pupils then marked the Prime Meridian and discussed how you can explain your position using only coordinates. They started understanding a bit more why we talk about longitude and latitude. Pupils read texts about the different climate zones as well and marked key words and wrote important information on a mind map. They also coloured in the different climate zones on their maps. Pupils have researched the climate in their home countries. It was challenging to read and understand the texts and to collect information from graphs. Still, pupils were able to gather interesting information about both average temperatures, rainfall, wildlife, vegetation and physical features of their countries.
To be able to make their own weather forecasts, pupils have looked at more specific weather vocabulary. You can describe cloudy weather in different ways, as well as rainy weather, sunny weather or cold weather. Pupils predicted the weather in their own forecasts and later compared them to the actual weather. Pupils were quite close! The day in question it was rainy and cloudy… and cold!
Upper Primary pupils also learned weather poems and recited them in class.
This week Upper Primary pupils visited a weather station at University Ghent and learned more about the scientific instruments used when preparing a weather forecast. Pupils will now try to build their own weather station.
During a workshop at the lovely flower exhibition Floralien a few weeks ago, pupils, together with the artist Will Beckers, build bird nests using willow, dried fruit, pine cones etc. Upper Primary pupils absolutely loved this activity! Some of the comments during and after the workshop were:
“This is the best day in my life!”
“I didn’t like it – I loved it!”
“This is more fun than playing video games!”
“Mr. Will told us at the beginning of the workshop that he would turn us in to artists. He did!”
Upper Primary pupils also visited a workshop at the Regenboog centre, OCMW, where they learned how to build insect hotels. That was great fun too! The insect hotels are not yet finished, but we hope to be able to finish them off before the summer holidays!
At the end of April we had a birthday party here in Upper Primary. Emma turned 10 years old and threw a party in class! We all enjoyed the yummy cake and the goodie bags!
Pupils have had a Lego challenge again, this time it was Diba and Kaaru who built and programmed with Lego WeDo. Upper Primary pupils have practised a new Jump Jam dance. They have read books, worked with their tasks in both Numeracy and Literacy, they have taken a maths test, they have played games, they have shared show-and-tells with each other and they have done a lot of other things too!
And to stay fit and healthy, pupils have been training every now and then. Some Upper Primary pupils will join the Chiquita Fun Run here in Ghent this Sunday! We wish them all good luck!