A close-knit community which allows students to learn and grow with a profound appreciation for diversity and cultural exchange.
Miss Lamo, volunteer teacher assistant
ISG has a fantastic parent community. The aim of the Parents’ Association is to welcome new parents, foster a positive relationship between parents and the school and to enable parents to get involved at ISG. The PA creates a partnership which helps the school listen to and deal with parents’ concerns and also share the latest school developments. Our aim is to build a well-informed school community where all families are welcome and all nationalities are celebrated. Volunteering is a big part of the PA and we encourage parents to get involved – it is one of the best ways to learn how things work at ISG and also a great way to meet new people. Specific details about the ways and workings of the PA will be provided in a booklet at the start of the school year.
PA meetings and shared lunches
The ISG parent community comes together on a regular basis for either a meeting or a shared lunch. PA meetings strengthen the communication between the parents and staff at ISG. Latest developments or changes are discussed and planning for upcoming events is shared. Shared Lunches are enjoyable fundraising events. Parents contribute food which is then sold and enjoyed after school together with all the parents, pupils and staff.
International Festival
Our International Festival is always a yearly highlight! It is a fantastic celebration of all the cultures and diversity we have at ISG. Children proudly wear their national costume, parents share homecooked food from their country, we sing, we dance and have a lovely evening! ISG's International Festival takes place in May and is organised by the teachers, in collaboration with the Parent's Association.