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The sun has finally come out in Belgium and we have just finished our last IPC unit for this school year: Sand and Water. What an exciting unit for our younger students! Experimenting and exploring were at the heart of this unit.
For our entry point we created an indoor beach and a sand room! The children put their swimmers on and dived into the wonderful world of sand and water. We absolutely managed to sparkle their curiosity!
During this unit the children learned about the water cycle - thank you Ms Chiara for leading this learning activity! The children were able to observe and participate in experiments to understand that water does not always look and feel the same! Water can be liquid, solid and gas! Wow! We also explored the concepts of floating and sinking and experimented with different objects trying to forecast what would happen to them once we put them in the water. During this unit we also learned about the names of different sea creatures and some of the things that make them so unique. We watched some amazing videos such as an octopus changing colours, a male seahorse giving birth and a puffer fish getting scared!
In Lower Pre-Primary we love to have our water table accesible in the classroom. During this unit, the water table of course never left and instead, every week it was full of new surprising things to discover: sea creatures, shells, stones, beads, sand, water beads, …
Being creative is always an important objective and during this unit the children discovered three new techniques: Stencils, acrylic paint mixed with sand and watercolour paint. Over the course of the unit we even created our own collaborative beach art project!
Using water we also made ice lollies for ourselves and our friends at Upper Pre-Primary! We shared them together after listening to the story of The snail and the whale. So refreshing and healthy!
For our Exit point, we went on a class trip with many parents to play in the water at the Blaarmeersen! We enjoyed a full summer day, an amazing and exciting playground full of new challenges, a lovely picnic in the shade and had fun splashing in the water all together!
It has been an amazing year and a beautiful journey to share with our little family at ISG!
We wish you all a lovely and sunny holiday!
Ms Laura, Ms Dori, Ms Celina and Ms Merve