Lower Pre-Primary - Ms Erin

All about food

Dear Families and Friends, welcome back to our blog!

Over the last few weeks, LPP were having fun learning about food. We started our topic with a lovely visit to the local bakery, ‘Broko’. Eitam, the owner, gave us a special tour, explaining us all about baking bread and cakes. The children were amazed by the size of the mixer and the oven at the bakery, they touched and smelled the yeast and enjoyed eating delicious fresh bread and a cake.

Inspired by the visit at the bakery, we created our own bakery in class. We made salt dough cookies and painted a big box to create a big oven. The children had lots of fun playing in the bakery, mixing ingredients, baking, eating, selling and buying pastries and bread.

We read lovely stories about food and talked about healthy and unhealthy eating. We really liked the story ‘The very hungry caterpillar’. We counted fruits and vegetables and sorted them by size and by colour. We made masks of caterpillars and butterflies which we used for acting out the story.

It was very exciting to bake our own bread in class and to squeeze oranges for making fresh orange juice. The children sowed cress seeds and were responsible for watering them. They were delighted to see the sprouts and they all tasted the cress but decided it was a bit too bitter for them.

To celebrate the end of our ‘Food unit’ We had a fun ‘Exit point’. We made our own special pizza! After making the dough together, the children could choose their favorite toppings and we all went to the kitchen to put the pizza in the oven. We had a small party dancing and singing songs about food, then we ate our delicious pizza. All the children were so happy and proud! Well done everyone!

The last two weeks were all about Christmas. Painting Christmas trees, reindeer and snowmen, singing songs and practicing for the Christmas show.  It was so nice to celebrate together, and we were very proud of our five little snowmen.

We wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year. Enjoy your family and friends and we will meet again in 2020.


Family and Friends

Lower Pre-Primary had lots of fun learning about ‘Family and Friends. We have been talking about the pattern of our day and made zigzag books in which we recorded four activities that we do every morning. We went outside to collect leaves, sticks and acorns and together we made a beautiful natural pattern. We sang a song about activities that we do every day such as eating breakfast, brushing our teeth, taking a bath and getting dressed. The children were excited to give a real bath to our baby dolls! They washed them with soap and water and dried them up with a towel. They even read them a story before putting them to sleep.  

We learned about the differences between small and tall by sorting photos and objects into their groups. We also measured the children in LPP and saw who is the smallest and the tallest child in class. We read a book about different types of families and talked about how our school is also like a family with new friends and people who help and care about us. It inspired us to make beautiful cards to our friends at ISG. It was great fun visiting our friends and giving them the little present we made. We have been looking at animal families and the names of their babies. The children enjoyed matching pictures of the animal mothers with their babies.

To end our unit, we had a lovely exit point. The children made yummy snacks and decorated invitations for Mum and Dad to meet our ‘class family’.

This month, we celebrated Marco’s third birthday. Marco was very excited to share his beautiful and delicious birthday cake with his friends. Thank you, sweet Marco, we wish you all the best!

Our last week was all about Halloween. We have made friendly ghosts out of autumn leaves, painted pumpkins and made handprint spiders. We sang songs and read stories for Halloween and ended the week with a wonderful ‘Halloween Party’.

Have a lovely holiday everyone. Enjoy time spent with family and friends and we will see you all in November.

Ms. Inbal and Ms. Anne


Starting with a smile

Dear Families,

We have had a lovely start to the new school year in LPP. A warm welcome to Alba, Anshika, Bruno, Luigi and Marco - we are so happy to have you at ISG.

We have spent the first weeks of school getting to know each other and the classroom routines. We have focused on playing and working together as a team. We are learning how to share, co-operate and respect each other.

We all enjoyed celebrating Alba’s birthday. Congratulations sweet Alba and thank you for the yummy butterfly sandwiches.

We had a fun ‘entry point’ to our first IPC unit called ‘family and friends’. The children were very excited to show a photo of their family and some objects they brought from their house. Together we created a cozy home in class. The children enjoyed playing there pretending they were a family.

We have talked about members of our family and about things that we like to do with them. We counted how many people live in our house and how many boys and girls we have in our family. Each child made a portrait of their family and together we painted a beautiful family tree.

We enjoyed singing songs and listening to stories about different families and we played some fun games pretending we were mums, dads, grandparents and babies.

We are very proud of the LPP group and are ready for some more fun learning activities, creating and playing together.

Have a lovely weekend everyone,

Miss Inbal and Miss Anne.






Treasure and summer time!

The end of the year has arrived, our twelve sweet pupils have learnt so much and became more independent, confident and communicative. It was a true pleasure to watch them learn and grow and we are very proud of each one of them.

Over the last few weeks we have been learning about treasure and pirates. We started the topic with a lovely ‘entry point’, searching for a hidden treasure. We worked as a team and looked for some clues until we found the treasure box filled with jewels.

We played many games pretending we were pirates, and by doing so we improved our motor skills. We read books about pirates, sang songs and created our own special treasure chest. It was loads of fun to count pirates and to paint ships, parrots and swords.

For our ‘exit point’ we had a great morning, cutting tropical fruits and having a lovely picnic at sun, pretending we were living on an island.   

We have been learning about summer season and talked about things that we like to do in the summer. We painted the sun, the ocean, and many fish. We really enjoyed playing with water and sand.  

To celebrate the end of the school year, we went for the first time to a real swimming pool! We had the best time, splashing water and playing together.  A special thank you to Maria, Luigi’s mum, for coming along with us.

In addition, we celebrated Alexander’s birthday. Congratulation for turning four and thank you for the delicious cake!

Finally, we would like to wish you all a wonderful summer! Enjoy your family, your friends and the sunny weather!

Dear LPP pupils, best of luck and many great moments in school next year, 

To our sweet Takumi, have fun in Boston and all the best to you and to your family. We will miss you.

Lots of love,

Miss Inbal, Miss Anne and Miss Yaiza.

Animals all around!

Hello everyone,

First of all: a very warm welcome to our new friend Samuel who joined our class this week. We are very happy to have you with us.

LPP had so much fun learning about animals. We started our new topic pretending we were animals. We all chose an animal that we like and made our own special animal mask. We went outside and played different games practicing our gross motor skills. We were climbing like monkeys, jumping like frogs and running like tigers.

We created a lovely jungle corner in our classroom. All children enjoyed painting trees and cutting leaves. We went on a trip to the jungle by listening to a song with beautiful nature sounds and learned about animals that live in the jungle. We saw photos of different animals and talked about colours, shapes and sizes. We sang new songs about animals and enjoyed listening to lovely stories.

We learned about farm animals, the food that they like and the names of their young ones. The children were happy to learn about the life cycle of a hen and were all amazed to watch a video of a chick hatching out of the egg. The children kept busy making crafts of different animals. It was lovely to watch them use their imagination and some wooden blocks to create caves, bridges, trees and more. We talked about the meaning of the word camouflage and saw some photos of animals that hide their presence very well.

To celebrate the end of the unit we had a fun morning with two of Miss Brigitte's sweet guinea pigs. All the children helped to chop cucumbers and carrots to feed the guinea pigs, we played with them and sang songs to them.  We celebrated Luigi, Takumi, Spandan, Sally and Aura's birthdays too!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Inbal & Anne

Once Upon a Time... Let's Pretend Unit

Hello Everyone!

LPP have had lots of fun over the last two months. First we would like to give a warm welcome to our three new girls who come all the way from India. Anshika, Saanvi and Tanvisha, it is so nice to have new friends in our group. Welcome to ISG, sweet girls!

Inspired by our IPC unit called ‘Let’s Pretend’, let us tell you all about what we have been doing in Lower Pre-Primary over the last few weeks…

Once upon a time, there were eleven children from all around the world who went to a special school in a town called Ghent. The children loved to learn, to play and to sing together. They were good friends, who enjoyed spending time together, helping and supporting each other.

The days became shorter and the weather turned colder but inside the warm and cosy class the little children were busy learning about winter. They painted penguins and snowmen and practiced counting winter images.

One day, the children were sticking cotton balls to the window pretending they were snowflakes, when suddenly they saw real snowflakes falling from the sky…

The little children started to jump and to laugh and they all went outside to play in the snow. When they came back inside they were surprised to see eleven colourful pillows, warm tea and a good book waiting for them. What a lovely afternoon!

The group of eleven children then learnt about puppets from all over the world. They made their own sock puppet, stick puppet and paper roll puppet. They enjoyed listening to many fairy tales such as Goldilocks and the three bears, The frog prince, The three billy goats gruff, Chicken licken, The gingerbread man and The three little pigs.

One Friday morning, all three pre-primary classes came together and watched a beautiful puppet show about a cat named Poppoti and his fish Gaga.

The eleven little children worked hard to prepare a nice show for the other pre-primary classes. They painted the blue river and the green grass. They created their own crowns for the show and practiced keeping their balance when walking on the troll’s bridge.

The show was fantastic! All children sang a song together and acted out the Three Billy Goats Gruff’ story. Then we watched the ‘Three Little Pigs’ story which was performed by Middle Pre-Primary. It was a lovely day.

Just like in a real fairytale we created our own castle and had so much fun pretending we were knights and princesses. We even had three kings and one queen who celebrated their birthdays in our castle. Congratulations sweet Luigi, Takumi, Spandan and Saanvi. Thank you for the delicious cakes.

We ended our week by having a lovely carnival party together with the whole school. Beautiful costumes, great music and lots of fun!

The eleven little children and two teachers of Lower Pre-Primary lived happily ever after and went on their mid-term break to rest and to enjoy some family time.

Have fun everyone and all the best,

Miss Inbal and Miss Anne.  


That time of the year...

Over the last few weeks we have been busy learning more about transport. The children loved making our own special boats out of boxes, plastic pots, sticks and paper. We enjoyed playing with sand and the water tray and we explored the difference between floating and sinking. We practiced our fine motor skills while cutting and sticking photos of vehicles and we developed our gross motor skills while pretending to fly like an aeroplane, drive in a car and ride our bikes!

To end our transport unit, we went on a boat trip. Our guide told us all about his boat and told us some interesting stories and facts about the history of Ghent. It was such a nice day and a fun activity to celebrate the end of our transport unit. We would like to thank Sutapa (Spandan’s mum) who joined our trip and helped the children.

The last two weeks were all about Christmas! We made beautiful decorations and practiced our singing and dancing for the Christmas show. We were so proud to see our sweet little children preforming so well at the show. Well done everyone!

The highlight of the week was definitely baking and decorating our gingerbread man cookies. The children enjoyed the process so much. First we read the story about the gingerbread man, then we learned the song ‘Five gingerbread men lying on a tray’ and lastly, we made our own cookies. It is always a pleasure to watch this group of children work so well together. They cooperate and share, they help each other and encourage a friend who is facing a challenge. They also hug each other all the time, just because it’s nice and they like it.  

After the holidays, we are expecting three new friends. We have met them already and we can't wait to get to know them.

We wish you all happy holidays, enjoy your family and friends and we will meet again in 2019.

Happy New Year everyone!

Ms Inbal and Ms Anne.


All about transport

We started our new unit of work with a successful entry point. We took our favourite teddy bears on a transport journey. We explained our teddy bears how to wait patiently to the public transportation. We showed them how a tram ticket looks like and explained our teddies how important it is to sit during the ride. We really enjoyed riding the tram and the bus, we held our teddy bears and showed them the view from the window. We had a lovely picnic and had a lot of fun playing at the playground.

On our way back, we took the teddy bears through a secret tunnel and they were super excited! We got back to school tired but so happy. Thank you to Sally’s mum who joined our trip and helped us a lot and always with a smile.

The children love to learn about transport. They ask many questions and have creative ideas such as creating a pink bus that will take us quickly to Japan.

We are very busy creating our own boat, vehicles, train and aeroplane out of boxes. We looked at different photos and had to pay attention to small details. We have been practicing numeracy while counting how many wheels, windows and doors does a car have. We improve our fine motor skill while painting, cutting and sticking and we develop our communication skills as we work so well as a team.

We watched a short video of a take-off and landing of an aeroplane and were surprized to discover that just like cars, aeroplanes have wheels and not only wings.        

The children go on a new adventure every day. How amazing it is to be able to go on a trip using the train, the boat, the bus and the aeroplane and all in 30 minutes. Another great advantage is that if one forgot to take something for the trip, the pilot can press a special button and stop the aeroplane, while the child will go home quickly to get the camera, the book or the teddy bear.

We sing songs and read books about transport and we even had a special visit of a real fireman. The children were so happy to try on the outfit of a real firefighter.  

We had a fun and groovy music workshop with recycled instruments and had a lovely visit of Lower Primary children who came to share some beautiful stories that they have made.

We are eager to learn more about transport and we also started to work on our Christmas show, but…don’t tell anyone it’s a secret…


Have a great weekend everyone, see you all on Monday.



All about me

We have been busy in LPP learning all about ourselves. Where do we come from? What do we like to eat? which animal is our favourite and which colour do we like the most?

We all painted our home country flags, cut photos of food that we like to eat, made hand and foot prints and created beautiful ‘All about me’ books.

We learnt about parts of our body and had a lot of fun counting eyes, ears, hands, fingers and toes. We read stories, sang songs and played many games in order to enrich our vocabulary. Many of us put on our doctor outfit and became doctors. When you are a good doctor just like in LPP class, you ask the patient to tell you where is the pain? Is it the head? the shoulder? Maybe the knee?  

Learning through games is what we do in class, so we all looked in the mirror and saw the colour of our hair, our skin and our eyes. We talked about the beauty of being different. How boring it was if we all looked the same. We looked in the mirror again and said one thing that we love about our face/body.

Reading the lovely book ’when I grow up I want to be me’ by Sandra Magsamen brought a great discussion about the future and our freedom to choose doing whatever we wish for. The girl in the book said she might be a doctor or a dancer, an astronaut or a fire fighter. There was one thing she knew for sure… ‘when I grow up I want to be me’. 

We had a fantastic ‘exit point’ with our lovely children and their mums. All children were very excited to organize our classroom as a museum presenting the ‘All about me’ exhibition. All mums brought delicious snacks representing their home country and we enjoyed a great afternoon together looking at photos, art and sharing our learning. Thanks everyone for your cooperation!

We had a fun week making decorations for our Halloween party. The party was a great success!

Last week was all about Autumn season. We went on a short trip to see the colours of Autumn, to feel the wind and to collect some beautiful autumn leaves. We danced to the musical work ‘The four seasons’ by Antonio Vivaldi and painted our own art for autumn.

We had an amazing trip to the farm in Drongen, all children had so much fun feeding and petting sweet animals.

Now we are ready to start our new IPC unit of work. We will have our ‘entry point’ on Wednesday.

We wish you all a wonderful long weekend. See you on Tuesday.

Starting with a smile :)

Welcome to our Lower Pre-Primary blog!

First, I would like to give a very warm welcome to five new children who have joined our class this year. Suzumi, Takumi, Luigi, Ira and Elliot, you have settled in so well and brought a lot of joy to our group.

I would like to thank Miss Anne, Miss Nadia and Miss Yaiza for all their help and support. We are very lucky to have you in LPP.

Over the last few weeks we have been busy getting to know each other and adjusting our classroom routines.

We played, sang, danced and read some great stories. It was amazing to see how nicely the children play and help each other without having the language. I am proud of them all!

Last week, we began our first IPC unit ‘All about me’. We enjoyed our ‘Entry Point’ together with MPP and UPP. The children came to school with their favourite clothes and brought their favourite toy. We shared our favourite snacks and had a small party. We played games and sang songs together. It was such a fun day!

We created our self-portraits from different materials, while looking at the mirror and learning about our face.

We already sing some songs in English! Our favourite songs are:

Open shut them, the finger family song, one little finger, Head shoulders knees and toes and 1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive.

We celebrated Suzumi and Ira’s birthday. They both turned 3 and we wish them all the best. Thank you for the delicious cakes.

On Friday 21/09 we celebrated the international peace day. All children were very enthusiastic to make a long peace chain to decorate our school. We talked about being kind to each other and to show respect to all people, animals and the environment.

I would like to wish Elliot and his family lots of good luck in their new adventure in Hong Kong. We will miss you at ISG.

I wish you all a lovely and relaxing weekend. Enjoy your family and friends.

See you all on Monday!