Lower Pre-Primary - Ms Erin

We love learning about clothes!

Hello everyone,

First, I would like to give a warm welcome to four new friends who joined our class. Grayson, Sebastian, Stefan and Teagan, we are very happy to have you in LPP. You are a sweet addition to our lovely group.

We were happy to celebrate Alexander’s birthday. Alexander turned 4 and we wish him all the best! Thank you for the delicious cake, the beautiful balloons and the yummy fruit.

Over the last few weeks, we have been enjoying our new IPC unit - Clothes. We had a great ‘Entry Point’ for which all children came to school wearing the colours of their national flag or traditional clothes from their home countries. We had a grand parade with colours and songs from all over the world. We created a new corner in class full of clothes and costumes. The children love to try them on and play so nicely pretending they are doctors, princesses, pirates, firefighters, etc.

We love listening to new stories about clothes and we increase our vocabulary. We play games related to clothes such as sorting clothes by colour, size and shape. We learnt about our body parts and then opened a big box full of clothes; we worked together to decide which item to put on our heads, necks, hands, legs and feet. We learnt about summer and winter clothes and then created our own winter hats and mittens, using different art materials.

Every week we have a special day related to clothes. So far, we have had a ‘blue day’ and an ‘odd sock day'. Both days were a great success! On blue day, we all came to school dressed in blue, we had a sport lesson using only blue equipment, we made our own blue art and we tried to make the longest line using only blue clothes. The kids were happy to discover that our line was very long - we counted 25 steps! Well done everyone. Team work makes the dream work! On odd sock day all kids painted odd socks, we played a game in which our target was to find as many pairs of socks as we could, we pegged socks and counted them, it was a lovely day!

Have a lovely weekend everyone,

Miss Inbal.




LPP having fun learning about food!

Dear Parents,

Over the last few weeks, lower pre-primary pupils have been busy learning about food, the autumn season, personal goals and Christmas.

Our entry point for the ‘Food unit’ was fun. All the children brought some fruit they like and a cutting board. We chopped up all the fruit and made a big fruit salad and pancakes. We all enjoyed our delicious homemade morning snack!

During our food unit we created our own café and learned how to sort food in different categories such as colour and size. They all had a great time playing in the café corner, pretending to be mum, dad, a chef or a waiter.  We improved our counting skills by counting fruit, vegetables, desserts and more. We learned about healthy and unhealthy food and read beautiful stories about food. The kids even performed in our ‘The enormous turnip’ play, which was great fun!

Learning about food was a lovely opportunity for us to make food art. We looked at photos of mandalas, discussed patterns, and then created our own mandala out of dry food. The children  chose their favourite food, and then created their mandala out of different materials. We smelled, touched and tasted different vegetables and even made a stamp using a lemon! 

Every now and then we have a nice activity with our ‘buddy class’- Lower Primary. Our last activity was to invite them to our class for some orange juice and cookies, which we made ourselves. We sang together and listened to a story about food. We had a blast!

Our exit point was a great success. The kids were super excited on our first trip to a local café. We took with us some Christmas decorations that we had made in class, and Ria, the nice lady who owns the café, treated us to orange juice, chocolate milk and a homemade cake.

We also learned about the autumn season. We learned to recognise the different signs of autumn and looked at some autumn tree paintings by Vincent van Gogh. Afterwards we drew our own autumn tree, with our little fingers. The kids were very happy to go outside and observe real autumn leaves. We then raked the leaves to make a big pile which we all jumped into!

We also celebrated Andreea and Sammi’s birthday. They both turned 3. We would like to wish them happy birthday again and thank them for the yummy cakes they brought.

Last week was all about Christmas. We made Christmas decorations, sang songs and were very happy to celebrate the Christmas fair with our parents.

Have a lovely winter break, full of great moments with your family and friends. See you all in 2017.

Happy New Year! 

Family and Friends

Over the last few weeks, lower pre-primary pupils have been busy learning more about family and friends.

We learnt about tall and small by looking at photos and sorting them into groups. Following this, the children looked at their own family photos and decided who is the tallest and the smallest in their family. We also discussed daily routines in our families and played a mime game. Each child chose one action and showed it to the others without talking (eating breakfast/ getting dressed/ going to school etc). The children had a great time trying to guess!

Over the last couple of weeks we have also read all kinds of stories about families. Some of our favourites were - “Spot visits his grandparents”, “The Family book” and ”I love you through and through”.

Last week we had a lovely ‘Exit Point’. The children were so happy to make vanilla muffins for their parents. For some of them it was their first experience being little chefs!

All children helped to set a nice table for the parents. We counted plates, napkins and cups and decorated our table with some autumn leaves that we collected together in the playground.

I would like to thank all the parents that came to celebrate with us it was so nice to sing together, listen to stories (thanks to Lital’s dad and to Loic’s mum!) and to eat the yummy muffins.

Our first personal goal for the year is ‘respect’. The children enjoyed watching a puppet show to try and understand what respect means. We decided that it is very important to show respect to people, toys, books and animals. We try to encourage respect all the time in Lower Pre-Primary!

Over the last week we had fun getting ready for our Halloween party. We sang songs, read stories and made friendly spiders for Halloween. We celebrated with lots of music and dancing, delicious food and a nice movie for Halloween (‘Room on the broom’).

I wish you all a great Autumn holiday. Enjoy your family and friends and I look forward to seeing you all after the break.

Family and Friends

First I would like to give a warm welcome to sweet Lital who joined our class last week. Lital comes from America and has already proven to be a great addition to our group.

We had a successful ‘entry point’ to our family and friends unit. We were happy to work as a team to turn our family area to a little home. The kids were very happy to decorate our home, adding different objects they brought from their own home. The children also did a great job practicing their fine motor skills by connecting our numbers path together. We painted boxes to create a screen and a keyboard and finally we used a simple rope, some clothes and laundry clips to practice hanging our clothes to dry.     

As part of our unit we have listened to many stories and sung songs together about families. All the children were delighted to show the rest of the class their family photo. In addition we discussed things we love to do with our family, for example some kids said they love to go to the park, doing puzzles, and others love playing with their siblings. We all agreed that we are very lucky to have a loving family.

We have also played a lot with our little Lego people as part of our unit. We sorted them to groups of mums, dads, sisters, brothers and grandparents, and then counted how many people we have in each group. The children are also developing their vocabulary by learning the different parts of the body and drawing a family portrait.

Last week we got together with our buddy class (Lower Primary) for the first time.  Lower primary came to show us what they have been learning about during maths. They explained to the young children in Lower Pre-Primary about shapes and colors and then we listened to a story. To finish off Lower Pre-Primary taught their big buddies how to sing their end of day song.

Finally we all enjoyed celebrating Jonny’s birthday. Sweet Jonny turned 3 and we wish him all the best. Thank you for the delicious cake.

See you next time!

Here are some new songs that we love to sing...






First steps in Lower Pre-Primary :)

Welcome to Lower Pre Primary!

To start the year we have a lovely group of 8 children from all around the world.

Our first two weeks in school were full of new, exciting experiences. We are learning the daily routine and getting to know our new friends. It’s amazing to see how kids can communicate well, even without a common language. Over the last two weeks, the kids showed empathy and helped each other in different situations. We enjoyed making art with different materials such as play-dough and paint, to improve our fine motor skills. We were happy to explore our new classroom environment, getting familiar with our different areas (reading, art, family etc).

Music and sports lessons were so much fun that at the end of the lessons the kids didn’t want to leave! We celebrated Vincent’s 3rd birthday by singing and dancing together. Thank you Vincent for the delicious cake. We wish you all the best.

On Monday, we will have our ‘Entry Point’ to our first IPC unit called family and friends.

See you next time!



Here are some links for songs that we sing in class:







Happy days in Lower Pre-Primary :)

During the last few weeks we have been very busy with our treasure unit as well as with summer and end-of-year activities.

Two lovely friends have joined our class, Yago from Spain and Victoria from Chile.

We have continued to explore the world of pirates! We have read pirate stories, sung pirate songs and played pirate games. The children were all very excited to bring a treasure from home. We all sat on our pirate ship together and told our friends about our special treasure. We then had lots of fun using recycled boxes to create our own treasure chest, which we then filled with shiny golden coins that we made out of clay.

We also learnt about tropical islands. We looked atphotos of tropical fruit, animals and tropical weather. The kids had so much fun creating their own tropical islands and the results were beautiful! To end our unit we tasted lots of different kinds of tasty tropical fruit for our Exit Point. The kids cut all the fruit themselves and then we had a fantastic picnic outside in our ‘little garden’.

We also celebrated 4 birthdays! Congratulations to Yago who turned 3, and Augusto, Wassim and Misha who turned 4. Happy birthday boys, we wish you all the best and we want to thank you for the lovely cakes.

Our fun end of year trip was to the ‘kids adventure’ playground and we all enjoyed it a lot. The same week we also had our end-of-year show. The children did such a good job, well done everyone!

Last of all we learnt about our personal goal, ‘adaptability’, and after watching a puppet show we had a nice discussion about situations in life that require adaptability. We talked about moving to a new country, a new house and a new school and we all agreed that it takes some time to adjust. Talking about our new school led us to create a great and colorful work of art, which we will hang in our new school.

The last day of school was quite emotional; after laughing and playing together with balloons and soap bubbles we had our last school assembly and said goodbye to Ali, Augusto, Victoria and Harrison. We are all going to miss them and we wish them lots of good luck in their new school.

I want to thank you all for a wonderful year. Have a great summer, and see you in September!





Treasure unit

First I would like to thank Miss Tonia for being with us and helping us over the last three months. A warm welcome to Miss Iness and Miss Fotini who will help in our class till the end of the year.

Over the last few weeks we have been enjoying our ‘Treasure unit’. We have read stories about pirates, sang songs and played different pirate games. We even painted a carpet that became the ocean, created a crocodile and made our own swords! The children love to play in our pirate ship pretending to be pirates fighting crocodiles and looking for treasure. The children have learnt a lot by counting golden coins, drawing maps and learning new vocabulary.

A few weeks ago we took part in a lovely workshop as part of the ‘Floralien’ exhibition. We learned about recycling and created our own mini gardens made out of reused plastic bottles.

Our 'Personal goal' that we have been focusing on this month has been “Communication”. After watching a funny puppet show, we discussed how important it is to communicate. We agreed that talking is the best way to communicate with our family, friends as well as a great way to solve problems.

This month we also celebrated Harrison and Rianna’s birthday. It was so much fun to sing, dance and eat delicious cakes. Congratulations to both of you and may all your wishes come true!

I would like to thank all of you for organizing the last ‘coffee morning’. It was a big success! The impressive amount of money you raised allowed me to order a beautiful wooden house which we all enjoy very much.

Thank-you for also helping me to celebrate my birthday. You are amazing! Thank you so much for the beautiful flowers, the delicious cake, the present and all the lovely cards. I appreciate it so much.

Miss Inbal x

Spring is in the air and our treasure unit has started...

We came back from Easter holiday and were very happy to see each other and welcome two new friends to our class! I would like to give a warm welcome to sweet Jonny and Misha. They have settled in so nicely and we are very happy having them in our class.

Spring is in the air so we have enjoyed reading new stories, singing songs and painting our own butterflies out in the sun.

Over the last two weeks we have learnt the ‘d’ and ‘g’ letter sounds and practiced our cutting skills. The children did a great job cutting different pictures of items that start with these two sounds. We have even been practicing how to write the letters 'd' and 'g'.

Our ISG Personal goal at the moment is Morality! We have been using puppets and a traffic light sign to understand what morality means. Now the children know that when they have a problem it’s very important to stop (red light), think (orange light), and make the right decision (green light).

This week we had a fantastic ‘entry point’ to our new IPC unit called ‘treasure’. We discovered an old map that leads to treasure so we decided that we had to go and look for it! We put our bandanas on and together with Upper Pre-Primary we went for a 'treasure hunt'. We followed the signs and found the sweet treasure1 After we ate our chocolate coins we had lots of energy to play in the beautiful garden of St. Pieters abbey.   What a great start to our unit1



Animals unit, Springtime and Easter!

We had lots of fun over the last few weeks. We were learning about farm animals and their young, how do they look like, what sound do they make and what do they eat. We read many lovely stories about animals and played lots of games. We created our own special farm, while improving different skills such as cutting, sticking, and colouring. Then the children were very happy to play with our farm animals. In addition we have been learning about the life cycle of a hen. The kids can tell you all about it! 

We have had a wonderful trip to the farm. The weather was amazing and the children had the opportunity to feed the animals, touch them, and even ride on the cart carried by the pony horse. We had a lovely ‘exit point’ together with Upper Pre Primary. They made beautiful projects about animals and told us all about it. We sang songs and ate animals shaped cookies.

We celebrated the ‘world book day’, which was a great fun! We looked at books from all over the world and enjoyed reading many beautiful stories.

We also celebrated Minami, Hiromi and Shane’s birthday. They turned four and we wish them all the best. We would like to thank them for the delicious cake.

Over the last week we were learning about the spring season and enjoyed decorating our class for Easter. On Friday, we were super excited to find all the chocolate eggs that Easter bunny left for us. It was a sweet way to end our week.

Have a lovely Easter holyday everyone! Take care and enjoy your family and friends.




First I would like to give a warm welcome to our Erasmus student- Tonia. She comes all the way from Greece and will stay with us for the next three months. The kids are always happy to meet new friends and we are very happy to have Tonia with us. We are enjoying our new IPC unit called ‘Animals’. Last Friday, we had our ‘Entry Point’. We prepared lovely animal masks and together with Upper Pre-Primary we went to the “jungle” (Citadel park!). We played lots of games pretending to be wild animals, and came back to school ready to learn all about animals!

Each child chose their favorite animal and drew it. Next week we will research and find out where our favourite animals live and what kind of food they eat. But so far we have learnt about farm animals, the pond and the safari! We looked at different animals and discovered where they live and what sound they make. We have enjoyed singing new animal songs and the children have loved listening to stories about animals. It is lovely to see the children so engaged in our new topic. They have even been bringing beautiful books, toys and pictures of animals to school to share.

Last Thursday we celebrated Ming’s birthday. Ming Ming turned 4 and we would like to wish him all the best. Thank you for the delicious cake!

Have a lovely weekend everyone.