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Hello dear families,
Year 2 and Year 3 have been particularly busy with the run up to Christmas. They have been learning fabulous songs in music class and we too prepared our song for the Christmas show. It is wonderful to see them enjoy music.
Our IPC project came to an end with the children individually presentating their project work on explorers; they have researched exploreres from Marco Polo to Jacques Coutseau. Come upstairs and have a look at your childs work on display. In relation to our project on Victorian Times we went to an exhibition on child labour in Miat, Gent. Fourteen children, from different countries told their stories in a very informal way, Middle Primary were intrigued to learn more about the hardships children had to endure. We also took a look around Miat were they were many inventions to be seen.
Year 2 have settled into a very nice routine, and they are working wonderfully, individually and in pairs during the mornings. We have been working hard on descriptive vocabulary, punctuation and short stories. In numeracy our focus is now on multiplication.
We had a fantastic language exhange activity with a local school, Sint Paulus. We read a story with them and then completed various related tasks. Middle Primary were very caring towards the pupils of Sint Paulus. It was also a great opportunity for our children to practice their Dutch skills.
The lego challenge is still a favourite of all the children and the last weeks Alma, Gwen, Hector, Aryan, Anika and Norah had the privilege to programme a lego model, they are most certainly learning a lot from Mr. Hans.
We have also been enjoying birthdays, Geffen, Valentin and Anika shared cake and goodies with the class. Such a lovely treat. I would like to take this moment to thank you all for my fabulous birthday gifts, so very thoughtful!
To end this term Middle Primary went ice-skating, it was wonderful to see them trying to skate and others becoming more confident at skating. Looking forward to many more such activities.
We great sadness we must say farewell to Anika. She has been a positive influence in Middle Primary and she will be sorely missed. Take care sweet Anika and we wish you and your family the very best.
On this note, we wish you all a lovely holiday. Stay safe.
Ms. Rebecca and Ms. Ana
I hand over to Ms. Anelda:
Hello everybody,
To start the term, we have been reviewing some numeracy and literacy topics and most importantly we have been adjusting to our new morning routine
There are lots of different activities going on in Year 3 each week. Students have been working with different tasks in numeracy, learning their Multiplication Tables, Fractions, practicing different Adding and Subtraction strategies and Problem Solving skills.
In literacy, Class 3 has been learning the difference between Fiction and Non-fiction books. We talked about the kinds of pictures, words, elements, and the reason for reading both genres. With all these differences in mind, our next job was to choose a Non-Fiction book, look through it and write our own book review. They did a perfect job! Furthermore, they have been learning more about grammar rules, spelling rules and practicing their writing skills. I would also like to congratulate the Year 3 students for their amazing performance on their spelling tests. I am very proud to see so many perfect scores! Keep it up guys!
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas.
Ms. Anelda
Welcome back to our blog.
Middle Primary have been OH so busy! Our IPC topic the last weeks has been focused on health and exercise, they children have learnt about the different food groups and the food pyramid. We put the children to a food tasting challenge, where they had to categorised the different foods they were tasting, from homemade pasta to rice dishes, pear to passion fruit, nuts to dried fruits. It was an enjoyable yet flavour finding and understanding of the true importance of healthy food. We also looked into the importance of exercise on the body and how we benefit from regularly exercise and about our organs and their uses. Each child received a certificate of completion of a Nutrition class. ´Oliver Twist´, the film, has been our Exit Point of ´The Generation Game', as Oliver and his hard life has been extremely influential in our learning these last weeks.
In numeracy, Year 3 have been focusing on the calendar: days of the week, months of the year, a leap year, and learning to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes, also comparing, ordering and understanding place value. While Year 2 have been problem solving and also working on mental addition and substraction.
The children have now started book reviews, with a special focus on punctuation and the use of adjectives. It is wonderful to see how your children are growing with the English language, they are becoming real little writers.
With Halloween the center of attention the last week, we have been decorating our class entrance with halloween and autumnal themes, Middle Primary have been learning about the different fruits and vegetables of this season. Our halloween party was so much fun and every one of us was a bit spooky!!!!
Well done to Zirak and Yashika who have received the student of the week.
For now we wish you all a wonderful and relaxing autumn break.
See you soon.
Miss. Rebecca and Miss. Ana
We are becoming a wonderful class at Middle Primary, where respect is our goal this month and the children are truly showing how to be respectful towards others.
We have been working very hard in numeracy, both Year 2 and Year 3 are intrigued with 2D and 3D shapes, they are finding this learning both challenging and enjoyable. We have also been making shapes with is a great way to learn about all the properties. The children are back enjoying Abacus online, please ensure that they do there weekly allocations.
In literacy we have been looking at nouns, adjectives, articles, speech marks and the children have been writing their recounts every Monday, therefore practicing the past tense. Guided reading is well underway and the children are reading a couple of books per week.
In IPC Middle Primary have been researching about children not going to school but having to work instead. We took a look into the 1800s when many children had to clean sooty chimneys or operate dangerous machinery in factories, how many children did not have the luxury of a school education. In groups Middle Primary researched and then wrote about the different jobs that children from the 1800s had to do. We have started reading Oliver Twist, and this wonderful story also fits perfectly with our IPC topic.
Music is a magical way to relax and the children have been exploring their feelings when listening to Andrea Bocelli. Some photos in this blog show how touched they were.
Middle Primary are just loving their music, Dutch and sports classes, we are delighted to see such enthusiasm. The lego challenge continues to be a favourite of the children and so far Luka, Geffen, Viktor and Sofia have participated.
We have welcomed Yumiri, from Japan, to our class, who has settled in fantastically from day one.
We had the pleasure of celebrating Yashika, Aryan, Diya, luka and Alma's birthdays, thank you for all delicious cakes!
Since our last blog Sebastain, Aryan, Diya, Yumiri and Ediz have all received Student of the week awards. Each child has shown different strengths, from respect to adaptability, thoughtfulness to enquiry, hardworking to overall good behaviour. Well done to you all!
Shubhan received the Headmasters Award as he shows respect towards his classroom and school rules, his classmates and teachers. And he is also an extremely caring young boy. We are very proud of you!
Wishing you all a lovely weekend.
Welcome to Middle Primary and our wonderful new school.
It has been a very busy start to the new academic year: getting to know each other, organizing our classroom, finding our way around the new school and settling down to work.The children love their new class and instantly felt at home!
We warmly welcome our new students Alma, Valentin, Gwen and Viktor, who have settled in fabulously. Our class now consists of 20 different nationalities.
We warmed up this year with lots of icebreakers. We watched 'Inside Out' which helped us to get to know each other better. We discussed our emotions and we enjoyed a trip to a park where we played silly olympics and got to know the children from Upper and Lower Primary.
Middle Primary have been busy completing art work, such as united hand prints with greetings in their mother tongue, art about their personalities and all primary have made a special display for the lunch room.
Our reading rotation set the learning year in motion this week and the children settled down to work with great enthusiasm. We have started our language programme with an emphasis on grammar and spelling. Our Abacus maths programme got under way too. The children are already immersing themselves and enjoying it! Dutch, music, PE and swimming classes had a successful start, and the children started choir and recorder classes with much enthusiasm.
Last week each of our new classmates received the student of the week award for their adaptability and this week it was given to Shubhan and Anika for their caring attitude, for always being attentive and for working hard. They always eat healthily and they always have a smile. Well done to you all!
I would like to say that I am personally delighted to be able to teach your children this year. It will be a year of lots of learning and fun!
Enjoy your weekend.
Miss Rebecca and Miss Ana
The last month of a school year is always extremely busy between the end of the year tests, finishing up the Curriculum, trips, sports events and shows, but this whole year has been a busy one for Middle Primary, they have worked ever so hard and they truly deserve the summer holidays. But before we go I hope you enjoy the pictures and reading about what your children have been learning about and participating in the last weeks.
The Chiquita Run was a huge success and the children trained hard for the day, they are so proud of themselves and their medals.
For Sports Day, Miss Naomi arranged an obstacle course and the children had to complete as many as possible. They also played various ball games, it was an energetic day!
During our IPC topic of inventions Middle Primary were divided up into four groups to invent their own board games; they produced four challenging games with a variety of general knowledge questions. They put Upper Primary to the test of the games and each board game was a great success.
Our IPC Exit Point was about Modernism, and we focused our art work on Marc Chagall's painting of ‘I and the Village’. The children discussed their favourite moments, animals, flowers or plants and important people in their childhood, so far, and then painted about this.
The Cricket tournament was a very exciting day for the children. The practiced hard and learnt some of the important rules. They are also learnt the values of team spirit.
Luka, Shawn, Nanda, Merwan were put to the last Lego Challenge of this academic year, always great to see what they produce.
Natalie received the Headmaster Award for her determination to achieve good results. Well done!
We had the pleasure of celebrating Natalie, Ivan and Chinmay’s Birthdays just before school ended, lots of delicious treats.
Middle Primary sand songs learnt in music class and played the Glockenspiel at the End of the Year Show, they also recited a poem about inventors which they wrote. It was obvious that they had been practicing lots.
And what a way to end the year with a day of fun at the Adventure Park. The children forgot about school for a day and played till their hearts were content. Just lovely to see all of Primary playing together.
We sadly said our farwells to Merwan, Ivan and Ms. Anastesia, we would like to wish them the very best and hope to meet again.
Personally, it has been an intriguing year and I loved being part of your childrens lives, they are truly very special.
Wishing you all a safe, relaxing and family filled summer.
Miss. Rebecca
A warm welcome back from Middle Primary, who have been so busy.
The children have had their end of year Numeracy tests and have been reading and writing poetry. We are very proud of their hard work this year.
We have introduced Monopoly to our class as a way of helping the children to add and substract in big quantities and also to teach them to be patient, and to help them realise that it is not always about winning.
Our visit to Floralien opened the children’s minds to the beautiful world of plants and flowers. They each made a bird house out of willow twigs. I hope these houses are in your garden and the birds are being fed! The children also wondered around the Japanese gardens and enjoyed the scent of beautiful flowers.
To end this week Middle Primary went on an excursion to a Toy Museum in Mechelen, it was so much more than a museum of toys; the children learnt about Pieter Bruegel and Rubens, two very famous Belgium painters who enjoyed painting about children playing hundreds of years ago. The children were brought back in time and were able to play with very inventive toys and were shown how these toys were made (simplicity at its best). They discovered so many old cameras, TVs, trains, planes, dolls houses amongst other items. Middle Primary had the pleasure to indulge in life from the past through a wonderful Toy Museum.
Two pupils from Middle Primary were given credit this month; The Golden Box was given to Shubhan for his caring attitude and Ivan received the Headmaster Award for his enquiring mind, which he demonstrates time and time again. He loves to learn and share his ideas. Well done Shubhan and Ivan!
We had the pleasure of celebrating Nanda’s birthday and her parents brought a delicious chocolate cake. Nanda also gave lovely presents to each of her classmates. How thoughtful and thank you!
The children have been very excited with their training for the Chiquita Run; we have been practicing on their breathing and they have realized the importance of breathing when exercising. Best of luck to all who will run on Sunday!
Enjoy the weekend and be ready for another week of learning.
After a wonderful Easter break Middle Primary have come back full of enthusiasm.
We have been working hard on multiplication and fractions, and year 2 have also been introduced to division. They can now see the connection between multiplication and division.
We have been reading and discussing short stories with morals, which links in with our ISG Personal Goal of the month - Morality!. Our favourite story so far is ‘The Hare and the Tortoise’, and our new class slogan is ‘slow and steady is the way to go’.
Our new project 'Inventions that changed the world’, has been an instant hit. The children have been researching about some of the most famous inventions and inventors, such as the lightbulb, the coin, hand tools, cars, cameras, airoplanes, bicycles, radio, printing press, phonograph.
For our Entry Point we held an exhibition on Inventions. We invited the other classes and members of staff of ISG to come and have a look and we asked our guests what they thought each device was. We were given some great answers, but there were also some stunned looks. We were fortunate to be able to gather some interesting inventions for our exhibition: a very old typewriter, various kinds of cameras, carpentry tools, vans, binoculars, coins, clocks, watches etc. The children are truly intrigued with the old inventions and the connections with the present day devices. They have even written a poem about the wonderful minds of inventors which the children shared during assembly.
Middle Primary are feeling very grateful for being able to learn and explore about inventions, they are finding this a most enjoyable project.
We have also celebrated Shawns 9th Birthday, thank you for the delicious cake.
Middle Primary have been intrigued with our project ‘Active Planet’, they have learnt so much about volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, Tectonic plates, classification of rocks and different minerals. For our Exit Point the children made individual volcanoes and enjoyed the sight of them erupting..... OH what fun, OH what a mess!
On International Reading Day we introduced ‘DEAR’ (Drop Everything and Read) to the children, they just loved this moment of calmness and continue to do so.
We visited the Belmundo exhibition on water; the children were very capable of answering questions about the uses of water, the importance of water, the lack of water, about hygiene. They obviously learnt so much during their water project.
ISGs International Day was a great success, Middle Primary prepared a display about facts related to their home countries and sang a song in Spanish. We also enjoyed food from around the world. A big thank you to all the parents for their delicious dishes.
We have enjoyed St. Patrick’s Day in class, learning about the patron Saint of Ireland and the children made lots of decorations to help enjoy this day.
As always the children took special care of Ms. Anastasia on her birthday, lots of lovely cards and songs for our special Greek lady.
Easter week is always a fun time, especially basket making to collect all those chocolate eggs from the Easter Bunny, which proved very useful during the children’s egg hunt.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a save and peaceful Easter break.
Middle Primary's curiosity is flowing with our new IPC Unit 'Active Planet'. The children are exploring the earth with great intrigue. It is wonderful to see such enthusiasm, so much so that the children are regularly researching at home about our planet and sharing with the class their new found knowledge. Shubhan has made a paper volcano, a paper earthquake and a globe. IIvan spent last weekend working on a volcano and showed the class what happens when a volcano erupts. His experiment was a great success and some of the other children shared information about volcanoes around the world. Thank you for sharing! We have also been locating volcanoes on a large map of the world and learning about latitudes and longitudes and of course learning all about volcanoes and earthquakes. Thursday afternoon we spent at the Nature Museum in Ghent, where the children were able to see many fossils and different types of rocks. They just loved this excursion!
In numeracy there is lots of new learning going on. We have been working on graphs, and are now focusing on measurements and converting minutes to seconds, hours to days etc.
The children continue with their weekly book review and with their twice weekly ´guided reading´ with Miss Ana. There is a significant improvement in Middle Primary´s reading skills, we are so happy about this.
Anika received ´The Headmaster award´ last week as she is a hard working and thorough student. She always makes an effort to do her best and tries to learn from her mistakes. She also has an enquiring mind and is very thoughtful and respectful. Well done Anika, we are very proud of you.
Middle Primary have realised the importance of water and how important it is for our bodies and for our environment. They have found our unit ' On Tap' to be intriguing, full of learning and have made lots of discoveries to share with family and friends. Last week we focused on the different types of water pollution and each child made their own presentation (come up and have a look at your childs work). Also the children have been learning about the importance of hygiene and how many countries in our world do not have a water supply and therefore this makes their lives very difficult. For our Exit Point the children made their own lava lamps and this proved to be very exciting and experimental!
The children are now writing regular book and film reviews and this is improving their writing and reading skills and punctuation They are becoming little book worms!
Middle Primary are also learning a lot in their Dutch and Music classes and are very keen to share this.
We have also welcomed a new student to our class, Merwan, who is from the United States and he has fitted in just perfectly to the class. But on the other hand we said goodbye to Avyukth who has been at ISG for over three years, he is greatly missed by all.
I wish you all a lovely mid-term break.