Spring-ing into Action!

We started our term with a day trip to the Brussels art & history museum! As part of our IPC studies on non-European civilisations, we were lucky to have a guided tour of the collection “Art of the Islamic World”. After learning about the architectural marvels of mosques, noticing Near and Middle East patterns up close helped bring our historical studies to life!  There was plenty of inspiration for students to later create their own geometric repeating patterns in class using only a compass and ruler. Take a look at our artwork in the shared album below – what patterns can you notice?

Later this term we were invited to our 2nd InterQuiz competition at BEPS where Year 5 and 6 students competed in a battle of general knowledge – Kahoot style. Although we didn’t win a trophy this year our students should be very proud of themselves for participating and their resilience against such stiff competition.

In Literacy we started a new book, the dystopian novel ‘Boy in the Tower’. Exploring the themes and features of science-fiction genre resulted in some ardent ideas and predictions being made – from killer plants to zombie policemen. We’ll find out what happens in part two of the novel after Easter break.  

Finally, our class dipped their toes into politics and began campaigning for a seat on our brand-new Student Council! It was heartening to see their persuasive arguments and posters around the school – good luck to all our candidates!