Primary Curriculum

Teachers and staff provide a great programme and environment condusive to intellectual and social development.                                                                  Chinnasri family from Malaysia


Literacy and Numeracy

Rich learning experiences to develop pupil's English language and numeracy skills are at the heart of learning at ISG. Oral language (speaking and listening) and written language (reading and writing) are fully integrated throughout the daily programme. We aim for all our children to be able to express themselves clearly and confidently in English and be proficient readers, writers and mathematicians. At ISG we use the UK English Curriculum guidelines to ensure coverage within our literacy and numeracy programmes. Literacy and numeracy are taught and assessed as separate subject areas, and also integrated into learning as part of the International Primary Curriculum (IPC).


The International Primary Curriculum (IPC)

We aim to make learning fun at ISG! We use the IPC to deliver a comprehensive, thematic curriculum with a clear process of learning. Our cross curricular themes provide a meaningful context to build on students' prior knowledge and ensure that the different subject areas are not taught in isolation. Through the IPC approach to learning children develop the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to confidently face the world of tomorrow and continue the love of learning that all children are born with.

Learning Goals

The learning goals are at the heart of the IPC curriculum. IPC specifies learning goals for academic and personal development and international understanding. Specific learning targets are divided into

  • Knowledge, Skills or Understanding.
  • ‘Knowledge’ refers to factual information.
  • ‘Skills’ refers to things children are able to do and are learned practically.
  • ‘Understanding’ refers to the consideration of big ideas and is always developing.

The Learning Process

Entry Point – At the start of the unit this ‘hooks in’ the children and provides a motivation for learning.
Knowledge Harvest - takes place after the Entry Point. Children think about what they already know about the topic and make connections with previous learning.
Explaining the theme – gives children an overview of the topic.
Researching and Investigating – through a range of activities children will be finding out and gathering information, then re-working and recording what they have learned.
Exit Point – a fun way to close the unit and summarise what they have learned.


Personal Values

ISG places a lot of importance on understanding, developing and celebrating personal values. Every month we focus on one of the following eight values. We talk about what they mean and try to practise them.

  • Empathetic                 Adaptable   
  • Resilience                   Ethical
  • Communicator           Respect
  • Thinker                      Collaborator

International Mindedness

Integrated within learning at ISG is developing a sense of International mindedness.
We aim for our pupils to:

  • have a good sense of identity
  • be open-minded and adaptable
  • be respectful of other cultures and beliefs
  • be aware of and celebrate similarities and diversity

Dutch lessons and Language Acquisition Programme for Grades 5 & 6

All classes receive one Dutch language lesson a week from a native and experienced Dutch language teacher. Pupils will learn basic commands, statements and vocabulary and also interesting aspects regarding Flemish/Dutch speaking culture. To cater for the children who have a much higher level of Dutch (or are native speakers) we have a Dutch extension group who work together two times a week for 45minutes.

Our Language Acquisition Programme for pupils enrolled in Year 5 & 6 include the Dutch Programme and English Booster option. Here they are in more detail:

·       Dutch Programme: This option will continue to focus on Dutch language acquisition. Like in the bilingual programme, pupils will have a Dutch language lesson every day, except Wednesday. Students opting for the Dutch programme will engage in four concentrated Dutch language lessons per week, each lasting 45 minutes. These lessons will focus primarily on developing essential language skills, including speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Within the Dutch Programme, pupils will be divided into two groups. Group 1 is for complete beginners and *A1 learners, while Group 2 is for intermediate and advanced learners (*A2, B1, B2 and proficient speakers)

·       English Booster: Recognizing the diverse pathways our pupils may take after Grade 6, this option is for pupils who will benefit from extra English language learning support. Within the English Booster option pupils will receive four English language enrichment lessons per week, each lasting 45 minutes. These booster lessons will provide additional support and reinforcement for English language skills.



All pupils receive a weekly music lesson from a talented specialised music teacher. During music classes, children from Lower Pre-Primary through to Grade 6 are challenged to join in different musical activities. Children are given lots of opportunities to sing, move to music and rhythm, and understand musical patterns and cues. The children will conduct, play, invent, improvise, compose and follow and lead in musical games. 

Through these music classes the children will develop awareness of their body and their voice. They will develop their coordination as they start feeling a groove, beat or rhythm and they will listen to great recordings of the classical music heritage. During musical activities children will be able to play a variety of percussion instruments with pupils from Grade 3 given the opportunity to learn the recorder.

During music classes the children will get to learn and experience the beauty of choral and instrumental music from around the world by singing, playing, moving and listening! We have a Primary school choir and bi-weekly school assemblies where we celebrate and sing together! These lessons develop children’s rhythm and beat and encourage a love of music. Through learning a wide repertoire of songs, often related to our IPC topics, singing enhances children's learning but also improves their vocabulary.

Sport and Swimming

All pupils have a weekly sports lesson, and a bi-weekly swimming lesson.During sports children are challenged in multiple ways so they become confident and versatile in various physically demanding settings. They develop co-ordination, fine and gross motor skills, speed, fitness, etc. so that they can later succeed and excel in specific sports. In addition, the social aspect of sports and sportsmanship is also an essential part of the classes. ISG also have their own swim programme which incorporates learning how to swim and water safety. After an initial assessment, Primary pupils will work towards one of the 6 levels of the ISG swim programme.