This week we went to the Public Library for the first time. The students were so enthusiastic about choosing books to take back to school. We now have two boxes of library books in our room and the students are loving reading and looking at them. I thought it would be fun to set ourselves the goal of trying to read all the picture books before the Christmas break. When I told the class that I will read one book everyday after lunch they cheered with joy! I love their enthusiasm! They are all so motivated to improve their own reading skills and they all really enjoy listening to a story!
Here we are at the Library with the upper Primay class.
And back at school enjoying the books...
As part of our reading rotation the students can also practice reading a book out loud for the Pre-primary classes. First they practice reading to our class, before reading to Miss Inbal or Miss Mia's class. They are all queueing up and eager to have a turn. Here are Chinmay and Diya reading to our class before they read to the youngest ISG pupils!
Following on from our work in maths about symmetry we did a challenging art activity! The pupils had to cut a picture of their face along the line of symmetry and then try and draw the other side! They did a first attempt just in pencil and their second attempt in pencil and then coloured it in. Come and have a look at them on the wall by the stairs!
Have a good weekend everyone!