Lower-Primary - Ms Julieta

Primary colours in Lower Primary!


At the start of the week we completed our Piet Mondrian inspired artwork. We learnt about the five primary colours, then used them to paint the squares and rectangles we created on our paper using masking tape.

The final step was to use a ruler and black marker to rule lines around the shapes. This was quite tricky and for some students it was their first experience using a ruler.

The end result looks fantastic! Come and have a look at them in the classroom!

We also started our reading rotation in the classroom this week. It is great to see the students so excited about learning how to read. Thank-you to everyone for returning the homework reading books the following day so that other students can read them!

In maths this week we focused on ordering numbers up to 100, place value and addition involving 'teen' numbers. Some days the students practice in their workbooks and other days we do more practical activities using equipment.

Here you can see the children each with a number and working co-operatively to stand in order from smallest to largest.

Here some students are using place value blocks to write and read numbers up to 1000.

What a busy week of learning in Lower Primary! Have a great weekend everyone!



International School Ghent has 8 Personal goals that we discuss, encourage and aim to instill in all of our students. They are Respect, Cooperation, Resilience, Thoughtfulness, Enquiry, Adaptability, Communication and Morality. Each month we will focus on a different personal goal. During September 'RESPECT' is on centre stage!

We represent these 8 Personal goals as a flower. If we can encourage these 8 values in our students they will bloom and grow into active and caring citizens.

In the lower Primary class we discussed what RESPECT means to us.

To increase your child's understanding of RESPECT please discuss it at home in your mother language. What kind of things can your child do at home to show respect?

I am sure your child also told you all about our team-building activity on Monday! All the students had a great time at the indoor climbing gym!

Parents, have a look in the photo gallery for more photos of us climbing!

During the week we have continued to establish new routines for literacy and numeracy and on Friday we started a Piet Mondrian inspired artwork using only the only primary colours. Hopefully we can share them with you next week!


Have a good weekend!

First week back at school!


To start the week students had to introduce themselves to a partner. They had to listen carefully because afterwards they had to present their partner to the rest of the class!


The students have also completed artwork that shows what their favourite things are, about their family, what they are good at and what they want to do when they grow up! With so many new students in the Primary class it has been a good chance to get to know each other better.


We have a lot of new games in the class so the students have been learning the rules and also practicing important skills like taking turns and playing fairly.


We have also been setting up classroom routines. We have started handwriting and phonics and near the end of the week we made a start with the Abacus maths programme that we will follow.

The children had a busy last day of the week with our first swimming lesson and a walk and play at the Citadel park.

What a fun first week in the Lower Primary class!