
Loose parts play!

This year we started a new initiative in our playground involving 'Loose parts play' - we call it our Scrapstore! Children have great imaginations and are incredbily creative. Our scrapstore offers them a variety of materials to combine, stack, redesign and move to create whatever they like! In the process we see the children negotiating, sharing, problem-solving and most of all, having fun! 


International Festival 2019

International Festival 2019 was another great event where our school community could share, celebrate and enjoy the cultural diversity that we love at ISG. All children from 2.5 yrs to 12 yrs old performed musical items from around the world. Then with the help of so many parents we enjoyed a banquet of food from every corner of the globe! Thank you to all the parents who came together to make the event possible. 

Learning outside of the classroom!

At ISG we believe that class trips are an important aspect of our curriculum. A visit to a museum, art gallery, a farm or just the local bakery - can all become memorable experiences for the children while reinforcing learning that has taken place in the classroom. Class trips are engaging, relevant and meaningful as they always relate to what we are learning about as part of our topics of work. And most of all, they are fun!

It takes a village to raise a child!

Here at ISG we are a community, not just a school. We encourage, teach and foster mutual respect across the whole school. And most importantly, we lead by example. Together, we make our school a great place to learn each day. Our school assemblies contribute to this goal - we have fun singing together, classes share their learning with each other, we discuss things we need to work on to make our school a better place and we celebrate success.